Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flex Spring and Blazeds integration

Previously looking for spring flex integration on the net pretty much brought standard implementations of using a SpringFactory, or Flexlib or something along these line. Spring recently released Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0.M1. Read this post for details Spring Blazeds integration . I followed it for the most part, but couldn't figure out why the default channel configured in the remoting config.xml was not being found. Well the answer is in dynamic destinations in blazeds. By default a default channel doesn't need to be defined in services-config.xml. Accessing dynamic components with a Flex client application. The solution was not so obvious and hopefully documentation will get better with more mature releases. Next release is supposed to have better integration with spring-security. I will write about my current implementation soon.

1 comment:

  1. Spring has emerged as the de facto standard for building the Java back end of Internet applications. Flex is rapidly becoming the preferred technology for building innovative Internet applications delivered in the browser and on the desktop.
